AMP Website Page Headers-Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat Program

The Community Energy Savings: Smart Thermostat Program aims to enable AMP Members to combat increasing transmission and capacity charges by reducing their system peak demand.

The subscription-based smart thermostat program uses a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) to manage enrolled Wi-Fi connected thermostats during summer peak demand events. The program, launched by American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) in May 2023, strives to help AMP Members reduce their system peak demand through management of connected residential technologies, such as smart thermostats. AMP has partnered with a third-party DERMS provider to manage the platform. An overarching goal of the Community Energy Savings: Smart Thermostat Program is to help AMP Members engage with their customers to avoid transmission and capacity costs by reducing their summer retail customer load through management of connected technologies.

The voluntary program makes it possible for electric customers of participating AMP Members to enroll their eligible thermostats in the program and receive an incentive payment. In exchange, customers agree to a brief thermostat adjustment of up to four degrees during periods of high electric demand from May 1 through Sept. 30. The adjustments typically last no more than four hours.

When events are called, customers receive notification via their thermostat app and/or email. From there, they can choose to opt out of that specific event without penalty.

For more information, including how AMP Members can enroll in the Smart Thermostat Program, contact Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability, at 614.540.1019 or [email protected] or Corey Hawkey, Director of Member Programs and Sustainability, at 614.540.6932 or [email protected].