The Cannelton hydroelectric facility is an 88 MW run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plant providing renewable generation to the region. The facility is located on the Ohio River near Hawesville, Kentucky.
The Cannelton Hydroelectric Plant diverts water from the existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cannelton Dam through bulb turbines anticipated to generate an average annual output of approximately 458 million kilowatt-hours (kWh). The site includes an intake approach channel, a reinforced concrete powerhouse and a tailrace channel. The powerhouse contains three horizontal bulb-type turbine and generating units with a total rated capacity of 88 MW at a gross head of 25 feet.
Cannelton Numbers
AMP Member Communities
Million Kilowatt-Hours
Members in five states receiving power from the plant
Anticipated annual output of power
Reached full commercial operation in June 2016
Members in five states receiving power from the plant
Anticipated annual output of power
Reached full commercial operation in June 2016
There are 79 AMP Member communities in Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Michigan receiving power from the Cannelton facility. The plant is part of the AMP Phase 1 Hydroelectric Project, which also includes the Smithland and Willow Island plants.
Excavation and cofferdam construction began in 2010 and powerhouse construction began in 2011. The plant reached full commercial operation in June 2016.