The Greenup Hydroelectric Plant is a 70.2-megawatt (MW) run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plant located near Portsmouth, Ohio.
In connection with the development of the Meldahl Project, the City of Hamilton agreed to sell — and AMP agreed to purchase — a 48.6 percent, undivided ownership interest in the Greenup Hydroelectric Plant. Hamilton retains title to a 51.4 percent ownership interest in the Greenup Hydroelectric Plant. Forty-seven AMP Member communities are participating in the project.
Learn more about Greenup and AMP’s other hydroelectric facilities here.
AMP Greenup Revenue Bonds
Bond Ratings*
AMP Greenup Revenue Bonds
*AMP Bonds are secured by a power sales contract between AMP and its participating Members, relating to the respective project. They are not secured by the general credit of AMP.