Meldahl Investor Page (2)

AMP Meldahl Revenue Bonds

The Meldahl Hydroelectric Plant is a 105-megawatt (MW) run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plant providing renewable generation to the region. The facility is the largest hydroelectric power plant on the Ohio River. 

The Meldahl plant diverts water from the existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Meldahl Locks and Dam, located near Maysville, Kentucky, approximately an hour southeast of Cincinnati. Forty-eight AMP Member communities are participating in the Meldahl Project.

Learn more about Meldahl and AMP’s other hydroelectric facilities here.

AMP Meldahl Revenue Bonds

Bond Ratings*
AMP Meldahl Revenue Bonds

Moody's A2
Fitch A-
Official Statements

Offerings Disclaimer

AMP prepared the offering document (Offering Document) relating to its issuance of securities as of its date.

Each Offering Document and the information contained therein speak only as of its date and are subject to amendment or other change without any notice. The information and expressions of opinion therein are subject to change without notice and the posting of information in this archive does not imply that there has been no change in the Meldahl Hydroelectric Project since the date of posting of such information. Maintenance of any information on this page is not intended as a republication of such information on any date subsequent to the date on which such information was originally dated. AMP disclaims any duty or obligation either to update the information contained herein or to maintain the availability of such information.

Green Bond Reports

*AMP Bonds are secured by a power sales contract between AMP and its participating Members, relating to the respective project. They are not secured by the general credit of AMP.