Legislative, Regulatory & Legal

American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) works closely with the Ohio Municipal Electric Association (OMEA) on monitoring legislative issues at the state and federal levels. 


AMP and Ohio Municipal Electric Association (OMEA) staff review certain state and federal legislative proposals for their potential to affect municipal electric systems across AMP’s nine-state footprint. Assisted by legislative and legal counsel, staff examines such bills in detail and tracks their progress through the legislative process. Staff and community officials meet with legislators, key legislative aides and agency officials, relating the organization’s position on important issues and fostering an awareness of the organization and its Member municipal electric systems.

For more information on OMEA or AMP’s legislative services, please contact Michael Beirne, Vice President of External Affairs and OMEA Executive Director, at 614.540.1111 or [email protected].


Parallel to legislative efforts, AMP closely follows regulatory actions that could have an effect on municipal electric systems. At the state, regional and federal level, AMP works closely with regulatory agencies that include the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, state public utility commissions, regional transmission organizations, electric reliability councils and energy efficiency alliances.

AMP regularly intervenes in proceedings at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, provides comments to the EPA, the U.S. Department of Energy and other regulatory agencies and takes cases through the appellate process to the extent necessary to protect Member interests.

For more information on regulatory services, please contact Gerit Hull, Deputy General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, at 202.580.5621 or [email protected]


AMP’s in-house legal team represents the interests of AMP and its affiliated entities, including OMEA, MESA, AMPO, Inc., and AMP Transmission, but also provides an excellent resource to assist Member systems and their local legal counsel in obtaining research and other information and assistance related to the legal needs of municipal electric systems. In addition, AMP may help municipal systems in funding and pursuing litigation in cases where there is a significant potential to impact many of AMP’s Member systems. When necessary, AMP intervenes in regulatory proceedings at state utilities commissions, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and other state or federal regulatory agencies whose decisions and activities affect AMP or its Members’ municipal electric systems.

For additional information, please contact Lisa McAlister, SVP and General Counsel, at 614.540.6400 or [email protected].