American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) and its Members are committed to promoting the use of clean energy options for our Members.
As an organization, AMP has a number of projects in place to help it carry out this important initiative.
Renewable Generation
AMP is committed to the development of renewable and environmentally friendly generation resources.* Working with individual communities and joint ventures of several Member communities, the organization has led the way in the use of renewable technology. Read more about our renewable generation projects.
For more information about renewable generation, please contact Michele Lemmon, Director of Strategic Communications and Public Relations, at 614.540.0898 or [email protected].
The Demonstration of Energy Efficient Developments (DEED) Program
The Demonstration of Energy Efficient Developments (DEED) program is the only research and development program funded by and for public power utilities. American Public Power Association’s DEED program fills a vital niche for public power. All AMP Member communities who are also APPA members are members of the DEED program.
DEED encourages activities that promote energy innovation, improve efficiencies and lower costs of energy to public power customers. Every year, the DEED Board allocates grants up to $125,000 to DEED member utilities for a pilot program, early commercialization, or new technology demonstration; or the development of best practices, services, tools and publications that strengthen public power utilities. Additionally, DEED offers four types of scholarship opportunities that include lineworker and technical education scholarships, student internships, student research grants and technical design projects. DEED members have direct access to the DEED Project Database, a repository for all information on DEED projects since the program’s inception. DEED members may search the database to find and print final reports and summaries of DEED funded projects. DEED members also have the opportunity to purchase APPA publications and attend APPA webinars at a discounted rate.
For additional information about the DEED program, please visit the APPA website. For assistance in completing an application, AMP Member communities can contact Michelle Palmer, Vice President of Technical Services and Compliance, at 614.540.1111 or [email protected] or Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability, at 614.540.1111 or [email protected].
*Note that AMP, on behalf of its Members, sells all or a portion of the renewable energy certificates created by its renewable energy projects, power purchase agreements and joint ventures to help reduce its wholesale power costs.