Sustainability Programs

In support of its commitment to sustainability, American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) sponsors programs designed to help Members and their utility customers reap the benefits of energy efficiency, reduce their carbon footprint and support renewable energy generation.

Efficiency Smart® : Participating AMP Member communities are provided with incentives and technical assistance aimed at reducing customer energy usage.

EcoSmart Choice®: AMP's green pricing program allows participating municipal electric system customers the option of offsetting all or a portion of their electric usage with renewable resources.

Community Energy Savings: Smart Thermostat Program: The Smart Thermostat Program is a subscription-based service that uses a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS). It enables AMP Members that subscribe to the program to manage their participating customers' enrolled Wi-Fi-connected thermostats during summer peak demand events. The primary objective of the program is to help Member communities combat increasing transmission and capacity charges by reducing their overall system peak demand.

Free Energy Audits: Simple web-based tools that provide energy efficiency assessments for consumers wishing to manage their energy consumption.