

AMP Transmission, LLC (AMPT) formed for the purpose of improving reliability and providing comparable service to AMP’s Members, as well as addressing NERC Bulk Electric System (BES) obligations and navigating the FERC rate process for the purpose of securing revenue from existing transmission facilities.

AMPT is a not-for-profit Ohio limited liability corporation created to plan, own, build, operate, and maintain transmission facilities for the benefit of AMP’s Members. AMPT was formed by AMP Board on August 23, 2018, to serve AMP Members and also to have an alternative to relying on incumbent transmission owners like they have in the past. In partnership with AMPT, AMP Members have the ability to work in conjunction with AMPT to address existing and future transmission system expansion planning, operation and decision-making.

AMPT’s mission is to purchase, construct and own transmission facilities on behalf of AMP Members, ensure the AMP Members are treated comparably regarding service level and reliability, and provide technical and other services to and for the benefit of AMP Members as authorized by its Articles of Incorporation. AMPT achieves this by working directly with its members to assume compliance related requirements and activities such as NERC compliance requirements, PJM (RTO) obligations, and other regulatory requirements.  Additionally, AMPT will work with its members to identify and develop needed transmission projects to meet the members’ current and future reliability needs and economic development opportunities.

Standards of Conduct

Standard Operating Procedure for Standards of Conduct Implementation and Compliance Procedures


AMPT Transmission Facilities Interconnection Requirements


AMPT 2023 Long-Term Forecast Report

AMPT 2022 Long-Term Forecast Report

Behind-the-Meter Generation Interconnection Request Form

End User Connection Request Form


AMPT Projects page