
American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) and its Members are committed to achieving a sustainable balance between being responsible corporate citizens, governmental entities, employers and environmental stewards, while simultaneously maintaining a supply of cost-competitive, reliable electric power for our Members’ retail customers.

AMP believes the best way to achieve the desired balance between sometimes competing considerations is through the consistent application of the concept of sustainability as a focused business practice. AMP defines “corporate sustainability” as a business approach that creates long-term Member value by maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks related to a host of economic, environmental and community or societal considerations.

The nature of AMP’s Members as units of local municipal government underscores the long-term vision of energy sustainability that prevails at AMP. An organization cannot effectively practice sustainability while having its eye solely on the next quarterly report to shareholders. Conversely, public power utilities are governed and operated as public services to their citizens for the betterment of their communities.

Through its Members, AMP deploys programs and projects to provide reliable, cost-competitive, and environmentally responsible generation development and technical support, environmental management, business development, project financing, education and training, energy efficiency and conservation as part of an overall corporate strategy of sustainability.

AMP continues to make significant investments in the development, construction and management of a variety of sustainable energy generation projects, including efficient coal, natural gas, hydroelectric and solar projects, which provide a balanced yet diversified portfolio of power supply options for our Members.

In addition to developing its own generation assets, AMP is also able to secure other needed capacity – including renewable wind and landfill gas – for its Members through the use of power purchase agreements.

For more information, please contact Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability, at 614.540.1111 or [email protected].